Male Sex Toys Adults Boutique Nicosia Narrow Douche NozzleMale Sex Toys Adults Boutique Nicosia Narrow Douche NozzleMale Sex Toys Adults Boutique Nicosia Narrow Douche Nozzle

Male Sex Toys Adults Boutique Nicosia Narrow Douche Nozzle


Want to clean even the smallest holes? Now it's possible with this narrow douche nozzle!

Simply screw the mini shower onto the hose and use a little bit of lubricant to bring the shower in. The mini shower is of high quality and made of stainless steel. 

Because of the length (only 90 mm total) and the small width, this narrow douche nozzle is perfect for reaching all the small holes, even on the road.

Made of high-quality stainless steel, this product lasts a lifetime!